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Update I: It's official! 'Ace-ing It!' is finally up and running and the first post of the blog is also up as an introduction. New posts will be up at least once or twice a week, mostly on the weekends in the afternoon. Welcome one and all, and don't be afraid to share this blog!

Update II: Yes, you the audience can request for me to give a socratic seminar on any writing/asexual/aromantic/life topics you feel need to see the light, or want my opinion on. Just go to 'Share Your Experience' and tell me.

 October 7: Psst, A new blog post is up, and it's another in Ace Discourse!

Also Ace Awareness Week is Oct. 21-27th this year. I will have something for you the 27th!

Happy late Mental Health Awareness Day.

Have consideration and appreciation for health and mental health, and if you are a person with a mental illness, may you have a good day.

October 21st: Okay, small update, might be some small technical difficulties, and maybe some adjustments to be made on both sides until next week, so be on the lookout, and don't fret, I'll get things fixed.


Hope you all had a great week, and Happy Asexual Awareness Week. New post is up for this special, so go check it out!

Jan 10th, 2020: Sorry for the lack of update—big changes happened in the last year and I'm still trying to balance myself on my feet! New content will come at least once a month this year!

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